Artwork Tips
- All our presses can print CMYK to create full colour work plus additional spot pantones if required
- For solid black in CMYK please set to: C60 M50 Y50 K100
- Images should be CMYK 300dpi and linked to file
- Documents should be set to finished page size + 3mm bleed
- Supply a laser proof of your work
- Do not impose artwork
- Supply all fonts used (deleted after use)
Creating the PDF file
Before you create the PDF file, make sure all the fonts used in the document are available, and that links to image files are current. If you are using an application that includes a preflight feature, such as InDesign, use it to check the status of fonts, images, and inks in the document. In other applications, such as Illustrator, use preview features to verify that inks will overprint and separate as you expect. Then, you can save or export a PDF file from an Adobe application, or use Acrobat Distiller to create a PDF from a postscript file if you are using Quark Xpress.
For print we ideally need a PDF with 3mm bleed, created at final print size. (100%)
Please do not impose your jobs or send in PDFs set as readers spreads.
If you include crop marks please ensure they are at 2.117 mm offset, in registration colour and 0.25pt line thickness.
Make sure you’ve selected the PDF settings file recommended by us.
10 Potential PDF problems to try and avoid!
- Placed image resolution too low
- Fonts not embedded
- Wrong Colour Space assigned (RGB)
- Incorrect or no bleed applied
- Inconsitency with native file (hairlines, gradients, transparency, trapping)
- Spot colour misnamed, duplicated or converted to process
- Too much compression (Quality loss/pixellation)
- Incorrect Page size information
- Incorrect transparency flattening/object issues
- Incorrect or applied ICC profiles
If you require more information about supplying artwork then please contact us:
Tel: 01908 326 560
Send your artwork to:
ISDN: 01908 326 569
Quality and Environmental Policy
To view Murrays’ Quality and Environmental Policy please click here.